The Untitled Frank Moore Project is a feature-length film in production about the late Berkeley-based performance artist, painter, writer and presidential candidate Frank Moore. During his life, Frank’s creative, political and pedagogical activities inspired fellow artists, poets, and students while drawing ire from Senator Jesse Helms who saw Moore’s NEA- funded work was as pornographic and indecent. Combining rich archival materials, interviews from those who knew him, and Frank’s own extensive writings as narration, the film will provide an in-depth exploration of a beloved, polarizing and messy countercultural figure.

A dedicated website for the film is under construction. More info, images and archival materials about Frank can be found on his extensive website
Archival Images

I was invited to talk about Moore's work at the museum as part of the Way Bay Days panel on June 30, 2018. The panel was in conjunction with the exhibition Way Bay, which included the painting "Patti Smith" by Frank (see image below). My talk begins at 58:00 min in the video.
Paintings by Frank

Tax-deductible donations for the production of the film can be made through the project's fiscal sponsor The Film Collaborative.